jueves, agosto 31, 2006

Arts Teachers Fellowship

Surdna Foundation program provides support for the artistic revitalization of outstanding arts teachers in specialized, public arts high schools. All fellows, accompanied by school leaders, will convene in fall 2007 to share experiences and discuss relevant issues and concerns. Fellows will also be expected to carry out post-fellowship plans, and submit a report on the impact of the fellowship.

E-mail: artsfellowship@surdna.org
Program URL: http://www.surdna.org/usr_doc/ATFApplication06.pdf

Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program

The sponsor provides support for U.S. teachers and school administrators at elementary and secondary levels, community colleges and four-year institutions to exchange positions with foreign educators. Participating countries include: Argentina; Bulgaria; Chile; Colombia; Czech Republic; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Ghana; Hungary; Italy; Latvia; Mexico; Morocco; Peru; Poland; Romania; Senegal; Slovak Republic; South Africa; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey; and the United Kingdom.
Deadline: 10/16/2006

Spencer Foundation

The sponsor provides support for research projects requiring more than $40,000. Projects originate from research ideas initiated in the field by scholars and other researchers. The sponsor will accept preliminary proposals that fit within one or more of four areas of inquiry: The Relation between Education and Social Opportunity; Organizational Learning in Schools, School Systems, and Higher Education Institutions; Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Resources; and Purposes and Values of Education.

Principal Investigators applying for a Research Grant must be affiliated with a school district, a college or university, a research facility, or a cultural institution. The sponsor accepts proposals from institutions and/or researchers from the U.S. and internationally. Researchers must also have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field or appropriate experience an education-related profession.

Educational Programs for Population Research (R25)

Applicants may propose educational programs that: facilitate the development of interdisciplinary scientists or the conduct of interdisciplinary science related to population;

Examples of educational programs appropriate under this announcement include, but are not limited to: Summer (or semester) programs to engage students from fields not currently well integrated in population research in order to advance the development of interdisciplinary scholars in fields that have the potential to enrich and advance population research. Limited cross-training to expose population scientists to the core theories, knowledge, and methods of other disciplines, e.g., epidemiology, public health, endocrinology, anthropology, genetics or cognitive sciences. While not providing full training in these areas of science, such training would help to prepare scientists to participate effectively in cross-disciplinary work.

Education and training in the application of new methodological approaches (e.g., spatial analysis, ethnography, social network analysis, and advanced statistical methods) to population
research. Interactive, hands-on training in the use of complex datasets from specific studies.

Education and training on techniques to maximize the accessibility and/or protect the confidentiality of data included in public-use files. Workshops to provide training on topics in formal or mathematical demography that are not provided at individual institutions.

Areas of particular interest to NICHD include race and ethnic studies, health, sexuality, neuroeconomics, and behavioral genetics, but the engagement of students in other fields would also be appropriate as justified by the potential for advancing population research through cross-disciplinary collaboration. Programs may target students at the upper undergraduate to post-doctoral levels at the same or other institutions. They would expose participating students to the concepts of population research, the challenges and rewards of interdisciplinary work, and role models who are engaged in interdisciplinary research. They would be designed to reach new investigators before their career trajectories are set and to enhance their interest in and skills for future interdisciplinary research. Outreach to minority institutions is strongly encouraged in recruiting for these programs.

This PAR will use the NIH Education Project (R25) award mechanism. The total project period for an application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed five years. Although the size of award may vary with the scope of the research education program proposed, it is expected that applications will stay within the following budgetary guidelines: although total direct costs are not capped, budget requests of more that $165,000 per year must be full justified.

Giddon Award for Distinguished Research in the Behavioral

The International Association for Dental Research recognizes a single research paper published or accepted for publication in the current calendar year or in the calendar year prior to the current one in the fields of social or cultural anthropology, education, psychology, psychiatry, sociology or social work applied to dentistry. Both applied and basic research papers are eligible. The award is made annually provided a meritorious paper isnominated.

Deadline: 11/30/2006

sábado, agosto 26, 2006

American Council on Education Fellows

The sponsor provides support for learning opportunities through observation and participation in higher education administration at the top level. Fellows experience: an effective learning process in educational leadership, administrative organization, and change strategies; relationships among different levels of administrative officers; decision making at various levels; and relationships between the president (and other senior administrators) and the governing
board, legislature, business industry, K-12 community, and the public.

Deadline(s): 11/01/2006

Established Date: 08/21/1990
Follow-Up Date: 08/01/2007
Review Date: 08/21/2006

The Fellows Program provides participants with the opportunity to: develop the expertise to serve the institution's agenda and to see the institution as a whole; observe how other campuses address challenges and solve problems; take part in seminars with other leaders and experts in the field, thereby developing a broader understanding of higher education; participate with knowledgeable Mentors in structured, off-campus experiences; observe college and university
presidents and other senior-level administrators to learn about their leadership styles; learn about national and international issues and how they affect individual campuses; and become a member of a national network of more than 1,400 current and former Fellows who serve as
resources during the fellowship year and throughout one's career.

domingo, agosto 20, 2006

Assistive Technology Reutilization Model Demonstrations Program (84.235V-1)

Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services; Overview
Information; Special Demonstration
Programs—Model Demonstrations for
Assistive Technology (AT) Device
Reutilization; Notice Inviting
Applications for New Awards for Fiscal
Year (FY) 2006

Dates: Applications Available: August 18, 2006.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 18, 2006.

Estimated Average Size of Awards: $150,000.
Estimated Number of Awards: 10.
Project Period: Up to 36 months.

I. Funding Opportunity Description

Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Special Demonstration Programs is to provide financial assistance to eligible entities to expand and improve the provision of rehabilitation and other
services for individuals with disabilities.

II. Eligibility Information
public or nonprofit agencies
or organizations, including institutions
of higher education.

viernes, agosto 18, 2006

Informal Science Education

PROGRAM GUIDELINES06-520 Solicitation

Preliminary Proposal Deadline Date: September 14, 2006

for Project Grants
Full Proposal Deadline Date: December 14, 2006

for Project Grants
Preliminary Proposal Deadline Date: March 8, 2007

Full Proposal Deadline Date: June 21, 2007


Planning Grants: Proposals must be submitted on the same deadline dates as those indicated above for Preliminary Proposals, following discussion with a Program Officer.
Conference, Symposia, and Workshop Grants: Proposals may be submitted at any time, generally at least one year in advance, following discussion with a Program Officer. This category does not require Preliminary Proposals.

Grant Supplements (for existing ISE Awards): Requests must be submitted at least two months prior to the need for additional funds, following discussion with the Cognizant Program Officer.


The ISE program invests in projects that develop and implement informal learning experiences designed to increase interest, engagement, and understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by individuals of all ages and backgrounds, as well as projects that advance knowledge and practice of informal science education. Projects may target either public audiences or professionals whose work directly affects informal STEM learning. ISE projects are expected to demonstrate strategic impact, innovation, and collaboration.

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY This program provides educational opportunities for K-12 Educators. Individuals interested in applying for funding should see the program guidelines above.

RELATED PROGRAMS Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers

jueves, agosto 17, 2006

Highsmith Research Grant

Support is provided for American Association of School Librarians(AASL) members to conduct innovative research aimed at measuring andevaluating the impact of school library media programs on learning andeducation.

The grant provides $5,000.
Deadline(s): 02/01/2007
Established Date: 11/09/1994
Follow-Up Date: 09/01/2007
Review Date: 08/09/2006

miércoles, agosto 16, 2006

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

The foundations grant making program seeks to develop or expand projects that are designed to support the development of literacy skills for adult primary care givers and their children. In order to be considered eligible for a grant, an organization must meet the following criteria: the organization must have current non-profit or public status and have been in existence for two or more years as of the date of the application; the organization must have maintained fiscal accountability; and the organization must operate an instructional literacy program that has been in existence for at least two years and includes one or more of the following components: literacy for adults, parent education, pre-literacy or literacy instruction for children preK-grade 3, amd intergenerational literacy activities (Parent and Child Together time or P.A.C.T. time).

National Education Association Foundation Learning and Leadership Grants

Grants support public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education for one of the following two purposes: Grants to individuals fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research; and grants to groups fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson study, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff new to an assignment. All professional development must improve practice, curriculum, and student achievement. Grant funds may be used for fees, travel expenses, books, or other materials that enable applicants to learn subject matter, instructional approaches, and skills. REcipients are expected to exercise professional leadership by sharing their new learning with their colleagues.
Deadline: October 15, 2006

William T. Grant Foundation Request for Proposals for Intervention Research to Improve Youth Serving Organizations

The William T. Grant Foundation announces a grants competition to support intervention research to improve youth-serving organizations, such as schools and community-based organizations, or their subunits, such as classrooms and after-school program sites. Consistent with our mission, we are interested in organizations that seek to improve the lives of youth ages 8 to 25. We conceptualize these organizations and their subunits as "social settings": proximal contexts for youth’s experiences. Improving these social settings entails intervening to alter important aspects of the social setting, including the social processes, resources, and/or social, spatial, and structural arrangements within settings. Examples of these aspects of settings include, but are not limited to, physical arrangements of organizational space; social norms regarding aggression in classrooms; the quality, content, and structure of interactions between youth and adults in youth programs; and the availability of significant and meaningful roles for youth within schools and community-based organizations.
The Foundation anticipates supporting a small group of projects with award amounts ranging from $250,000 to $1,500,000 for the two-to-four-year duration of the project, including direct and indirect costs. We are interested in setting-level experiments, wherein settings are assigned randomly to condition, and very strong setting-level quasi-experiments. Individual-level experiments that randomly assign individuals to condition are ineligible for this RFP, as are individual-level quasi-experiments. Our total budget for these projects is $3 to 4 million per year. We made the first cohort of awards in June 2006, and anticipate making awards again in June 2007 and June 2008. We then will take stock of the work and decide whether to continue issuing an annual RFP. Given the scope of these studies, we anticipate that applicants may need (or already have) support from other sources, such as in-kind support from schools or community-based organizations for the intervention and/or additional intervention and research support from other funders.
We anticipate receiving two types of proposals: requests for add-ons to existing studies and newly initiated intervention studies. Existing setting-level intervention studies might propose to add or expand a setting-level assessment or analysis component to their studies. We anticipate that such studies likely will have budgets toward the lower end of our announced award range. Newly initiated studies likely will have larger budgets.
Review will take place in two stages: the deadline for Letters of Inquiry is October 30, 2006, and the deadline for Invited Full Proposals is February 22, 2007.

lunes, agosto 14, 2006

Guía para Solicitar Asistencia Económica para Sufragar Estudios Graduados con Fuentes Externas


Esta guía consta de dos partes y un apéndice. La primera parte cubre la búsqueda de fondos, en la cual se presentan las consideraciones que debe tomar en cuenta paraseleccionar las becas a las cuales solicitar.

En la segunda parte se discuten los aspectos indispensables para llenar exitosamente una solicitud para beca en papel o electrónicamente. Estos aspectos son:

-la información sobre la beca
- la elegibilidad
-las instrucciones
- la presentación
-las recomendaciones
- el ensayo
-las distinciones y reconocimientos
-el enfoque único hacia cada solicitud
- su revisión

Por último, se incluye un apéndice con fuentes de fondos externos, clasificadas en Agencias Federales, Fundaciones y Portales Electrónicos Especializados (bases de datos).

Documento creado y difundido por el Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación


domingo, agosto 13, 2006

Aviso sobre Educación Especial del Departamento de Educación

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Overview Information; Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities—Preparation of Leadership Personnel; Notice Inviting Applications for New Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007.

Applications Available: August 11, 2006.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications
: October 10, 2006.

I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The purposes of this program are to (1) help address State-identified needs for highly qualified personnel—in special education, related services, early intervention, and regular education—to work with infants or toddlers with disabilities, or children with disabilities; and (2) ensure that those personnel have the skills and knowledge—derived from practices that have been determined through research and experience to be successful—that are needed to serve those children.
Preparation of Leadership Personnel. This priority supports and is limited to projects that train personnel at the preservice doctoral or postdoctoral level in early intervention, special education or related services and at the advanced graduate level (masters and specialists) in special education administration supervision. In order to be eligible under this priority, programs must provide training and support for scholars to complete their training within the performance period of the grant. Therefore, only the following types of programs of study will meet the requirements of this priority:

1. A major in special education, related services or early intervention at the doctoral or post-doctoral level; and 2. Training at the advanced graduate level (masters and specialists programs) in special education administration/ supervision.

II. Award Information
Type of Award: Discretionary grants. Estimated Available Funds: The Administration has requested $90,626,000 for the Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program for FY 2007, of which we intend to use an estimated $4,800,000 for the Preparation of Leadership Personnel competition.

Estimated Range of Awards: