miércoles, enero 31, 2007

School-based Interventions to Prevent Obesity

The NIH offers support for the formation of partnerships between academic institutions and school systems in order to develop and implement controlled, school-based intervention strategies
designed to reduce the prevalence of obesity in childhood

Translational Research in Eating Disorders

The sponsors offer support for the development of translational research studies that will increase our scientific understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of eating disorders. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.

Deadline(s): 02/05/2007

NICHD is particularly interested in applications that propose the
following types of research: studies that address behavioral,
cognitive, developmental, and psychosocial aspects of eating disorders
in youth and young adults; studies that deal with nutrition, growth,
and bone density; preventive interventions and effective treatments in
both subclinical and clinical populations of youth and young adults
with eating disorders; and studies examining the relationships between
eating disorders and other health risk behaviors such as substance
abuse, self-injurious behavior, and suicide.

Transition to Teaching Grant Program--Local Projects CFDA 84.350A

The Transition to Teaching program encourages (1) the development and expansion of alternative routes to full State teacher certification, as well as (2) the recruitment and retention of highly qualified mid-career professionals, recent college graduates who have not majored in education, and highly qualified paraprofessionals as teachers in high-need schools operated by high-need LEAs, including charter schools that operate as high-need LEAs.

Eligible Applicants: A State educational agency (SEA); a high-need local educational agency (LEA); a for-profit or nonprofit organization that has a proven record of effectively recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers, in a partnership with a high-need LEA or an SEA; an institution of higher education (IHE) in a partnership with a high-need LEA or an SEA; a regional consortium of SEAs; or a consortium of high-need LEAs.

Closing Date for Applications: Mar 26, 2007

Teaching American History Grant Program CFDA 84.215X

Teaching American History grants support projects to raise student achievement by improving teachers' knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of traditional American history. Grant awards assist LEAs, in partnership with entities that have extensive content expertise, to develop, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative, cohesive models of professional development. By helping teachers to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of traditional American history as a separate subject within the core curriculum, these programs improve instruction and raise student achievement. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.215X. Applications for grants under the Teaching American History Program--CFDA Number 84.215X must be submitted electronically using the Governmentwide Grants.gov Apply site at http://www.Grants.gov.

This competition includesone absolute priority and two competitive preference priorities that are explained in the following paragraphs.

Absolute Priority:
Partnerships with Other Agencies or Institutions. Each applicant LEA must propose to work in collaboration with one or more of the following:
• An institution of higher education.
• A non-profit history or humanities
• A library or museum.

Competitive preference priorities
1—School Districts with Schools in Need of Improvement, Corrective Action, or Restructuring Projects that help school districts implement academic and structural interventions in schools that have been identified for improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring under the Elementary and Secondary Education

2—Student Achievement Data Projects that collect pre- and post-intervention test data to assess the effects of the projects on the academic achievement of student participants relative to
appropriate comparison or control groups.
Note: In response to this priority, applicants are encouraged to submit a plan describing how they propose to collect test data on students of teachers trained in the Teaching American History program and compare those data to test data from students of teachers who are not trained in the Teaching American History program.

Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: February 7, 2007
The e-mail need not include information regarding the content of the proposed application, only the applicant's intent to submit it. This e-mail notification should be sent to Alex Stein at: TeachingAmericanHistory@ed.gov. Applicants who do not provide this e-mail notification may still apply for funding.

Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 09, 2007

Prevention of High-Risk Drinking or Violent Behavior Among College Students CFDA 84.184H

This program provides funds to develop, enhance, implement, and evaluate campus-based and/or community-based prevention strategies to reduce high-risk drinking or violent behavior among college students.


Prevention initiatives should be designed to reduce both individual and environmental risk factors and enhance protective factors in specific populations and settings.

Deadline: february 20, 2007

Current Application
  • FY 2007 application:
    download files MS WORD (502K) | PDF (418K)

  • You may also access the electronic version of the application at the following Web site:

Other Required Forms

You will also need the following required Federal forms:

ED Form 424--Application for Federal Education Assistance (Form and Instructions)
ED Form 524--Budget Information, Non-Construction Programs
ED Form 524--Instructions
Standard Form 424B--Assurances, Non-Construction Programs
ED80-0013--Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
ED80-0014--Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -- Lower Tier Covered Transactions
Standard Form LLL--Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants

Charter School Program CFDA 84.282A

The purpose of the CSP is to increase national understanding of the charter school model and to expand the number of high-quality charter schools available to students across the Nation by providing financial assistance for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools, and to evaluate the effects of charter schools, including their effects on students, student academic achievement, staff, and parents. The Secretary awards grants to SEAs to enable them to conduct charter school programs in their States. SEAs use their CSP funds to award subgrants to non-SEA eligible applicants for planning, program design, and initial implementation of a charter school, and to support the dissemination of information about, including information on successful practices in, charter schools. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.282A. Applications for grants under the Charter School Program, CFDA Number 84.282A must be submitted electronically using the Governmentwide Grants.gov Apply site at http://www.Grants.gov.

Current Closing Date for Applications: Feb 16, 2007